Battle Report – Free Dwarfs vs Ratkin – 24/05/2020

I’m back with another Kings of War battle report. This time it is my Free Dwarfs vs Si Brand’s Ratkin – we played Push at 2000 points. Si was practicing for his Call to Arms game so we used the fixed two tokens each, plus one in the middle.

My track record with Free Dwarfs so far has been… patchy.

You can read about my initial impressions of the Free Dwarfs here.

You can watch Dash28’s live stream of my Call to Arms game using Free Dwarfs here.

I’m up to 12 games with them now and my win rate is holding at a respectable 50%. But this is still lower than I would usually expect with other armies – in the 2018 Masters season I had a 75% win rate at tournaments and I’d say that I can usually hold that level of win rate or above regardless of the army I play.

In all my games with Free Dwarfs so far, I feel like I’ve been playing with one arm tied behind my back. Every other army just seems to have better tools than the Dwarfs in every category – I can’t really think of anything the Free Dwarfs do better than anyone else.

I know I’m not using the more optimised list that I could. In V2, competitive Dwarf builds lent heavily on Brock and Rocks style lists with a wall of Def6 backed up by loads of Brock Rider. I’m sure there is a competitive Free Dwarf list down that path, but I want to try and include some actaul Dwarfs in my Dwarf list.

I also admit that I’m still fairly new with the army and its possible that my win rate is due to my inexperience. Although in the other new army I’ve started playing with recently (the Twilight Kin), my win rate has already exceeded 75%. Twilight Kin don’t have trouble winning, they have trouble with variety – Free Dwarfs have lots of variety, it just doesn’t seem very good!

So why am I bothering with them? Because they’re damn fun.

For all of their limitations and challenges, I’ve had a really good time playing the list. Its fun and its different to anything I’ve played before – for now at least, that’s enough to keep me engaged with the stunties.

This is the current iteration of my list. Its developed over time as I’ve started to get to understand the Free Dwarfs – I certainly don’t think I’ve cracked it yet but I’m happier with this list than I was with the previous iterations of it.

The two Ironclad hordes have replaced the Shieldbreaker hordes. I’ve come to the conclusion that the Shieldbreaker hordes are a bit of a trap, one of those units that looks great on paper but just doesn’t deliver on the tabletop for one reason or another. They have excellent combat potential and Pathfinder and Scout are great rules, but their low speed prevents them from being able to utilise that potential.

Ironclad hordes with items have a fairly similar damage output, but they maintain the Def5 and the Headstrong. Seeing as these hordes are so rarely going to get the first charge off, I decided to value the defensive stats higher than the offensive stats.

I’ve really enjoyed the two Ranger troops. They’re a very flexible unit with a good damage output in both shooting and combat. I was initially put off by their relatively low defense and 10/12 nerve, but I’ve found that they’re small enough to go largely ignored by most opponents.

The Ratkin

Si’s Ratkin list is really interesting – Ratkin without a single infantry horde.

Overall its a really tough list with several hammer units and a good amount of Rally and support pieces. I’m out sped and out gunned in combat, so I need to ensure that my shooting thins out some of his units before we get into combat or else I’m going to be outmatched.

Top of Turn 1

Because I’m an absolute amateur at this, I once again forgot to take a screen shot of deployment, but I only shuffled my army forward so you can pretty much see where it started.

I experimented with splitting the tokens across two unit this game – its something I never normally do so wanted to give it a try to see how it ‘feels’. I worry sometimes that things become the norm just because everyone does them, not because its necessarily the best way to play.

The Berserker Lord flew up in to the woods to ensure that the Night Terror couldn’t use the trees to hide out of line of sight. Everything else shuffled forward, preparing themselves to receive the incoming wave of rats!

Both Cannons fired at the Tunnel Runners but all their shots missed. However, the Rangers made up for it doing an impressive 6 damage to the Tunnel Runners between them – they failed to waver so on to Si’s first turn.

Bottom of Turn 1

The Night Terror moved up around the forest, putting itself in a position where it could see the Brocks, but they couldn’t see him – sneaky rat.

The majority of Si’s mainline moved up slowly. The Tunnel Runners turned 90 degrees left and gave themselves some cover from the Rangers.

The Tangle put Weakness on to the Berserker Lord – limiting what he was likely to do next turn. The Broodmother Drain Life’d the Vermin Tide, healing 4 damage back on the Tunnel Runners.

Top of Turn 2

Cry havoc and let slip the Mastiffs of war!

I decided to target the Shock Troop regiments with the Throwing Mastiffs as their def4 and relatively low nerve made them fairly soft targets. Between all of the throwing dogs, Rangers and cannons I had a fairly solid chance on wavering or killing two of the three units, which would seriously help me to even out the odds in future combats.

Both Cannons missed again, but with all the other combined shooting I managed to put 7 damage on both middle Shock Troops, wavering one of them.

On the right, the Berseker Lord charged the Tangle and the Brocks backed up, trapping the Night Terror (or so they thought). I charged the Berserker into the Tangle, not expecting to kill it but hoping that the Berserker would be in a good spot next turn to finish off any units that were damaged by my shooting.

Bottom of Turn 2

Between Radiance of Life and Drain Life, the Rats managed to reverse a good chunk of the damage I had done the previous turn.

The Tunnel Runners turned the face the centre of the board and everything else shuffled forward slightly.

On the right hand side of the board, the Night Terror managed to use his speed 9 and nimble to barely squeeze out of the Brock Rider’s arc by just a few pixels, threatening the flank of my army and my cannons!

Top of Turn 3

At the start of Turn 3 I was fairly happy with the way the game was going. I hadn’t been too outmanoeuvred (except by the Night Terror but he could see too much of my army) and my plan to thin his line had started well. Between the Ranger, Cannons and remaining throwing dogs, I should quite comfortably break two of his units this turn leaving me in a good place for the inevitable combat.

I did decide that I needed start putting pressure on his token carriers – in hindsight this was a big mistake and at least a turn too early.

I made (what later proved to be the mistake) of putting both Brock Rider regiments into their respective forests. I knew that this meant that they could both be charged, but in my mind they were still tanky units that can adsorb charges…

I fired two more Mastiffs and a troop of Rangers into Shock Troop regiment (2) but only managed 3 damage (That’s 16 shots on 4s and 3s and 10 shots on 4s and 4s – I’d hoped for more like 8 damage). To make matters worse they didn’t even waver. The rest of the shooting was tied up trying to stop the Night Terror hitting my flank – the plan to thin him out before combat was suddenly not going so well.

In an effort to save themselves, both Cannons fired at the Night Terror. One of them finally managed one hit (it only took 12 shots!) and did a not very impressive 2 damage. But the BSB with the Diadem and the Rangers pulled it back doing another 4 between them, wavering the Night Terror.

Bottom of Turn 3

Look at all those charge lines! I always knew that I was going to take the first charge because I was out sped everywhere, but I had at least hoped to have taken out one of his units with my shooting first!

The Hawpacks and the Brute Enforcer charged the Brocks on the left, doing 9 damage between them. That hurt but it wasn’t too bad – the Brocks should mince the Hawpacks on the counter charge and then would only be threatened by a hindered 3 attack Brute. In order to pull off this double charge he’d needed to drop his tokens so I was happy with the exchange.

The Mutant Rat Fiend charged the Brocks on the right and did 9 damage to them. This was entirely expected and to be honest I have no idea what I was thinking exposing them to that charge! Unlike on the left flank, I wasn’t putting any pressure on tokens and had no counter charge planned.

The biggest hit was in the middle though. By less than a millimetre, Si just managed to get the Nightmares AND Tunnel Runners with Brew of Sharpness into the right hand side Ironclad horde, blowing through them in one go. This was very good play from Si – I’d assumed that there was no way that he would be able to create a clear path for the Tunnel Runners, I was wrong.

Losing the Ironclad horde was huge because not only had I lost the unit, I had very little way of stopping those units steamrollering through my lines.

Top of Turn 4

Rangers (2) on the hill charged the Tunnel Runners to block them charging the other Ironclad horde. The Ironclad horde with Elite charged and killed Shock Troop regiment (3).

The Berseker Lord decided to disengage from the Tangle and charge the Shock Troop regiment (2) that was on 9 damage. My thinking here was to start killing as much unit strength as possible that was hanging around the two loot tokens in the bottom left corner.

The right Brock Riders did a very respectable 10 damage to the Mutant Rat Fiend but he held. I’d made a silly mistake with them and was going to lose them next turn as a result.

The left Brock Riders should wipe out the Hawpacks and then be in a position to cover the tokens, effectively pinning them on Si’s half of the board. With my remaining shooting, I was pretty confident that I could finish off Shock Troop regiment (1) that was on 7 damage.

Best laid plans….

Between the Brew of Sharpness and a Bane Chant the Brock Riders did 14 damage to the Hawpacks… and rolled double 1.

The Rangers (10 shots, 4s and 4s) and Pack Master (6 shots, 4s and 3s) shooting at Shock Troop (1) managed to do a combined… zero damage.

Bugger. I was now definitely going to lose both Brocks, had no way to put pressure on the tokens on the left and all of my shooting units were in range to be charged next turn.

Just to add to how well this turn went, both cannons missed with all their shots -again.

Ignoring the ineptitude of his comrades, the Banner Bearer with the Diadem of Dragonkind continued to set fire to the Night Terror, putting two more damage on him and wavering him for a second time.

Bottom of Turn 4

Not many surprises this turn. Both Brocks inevitably died allowing the Hawpacks and the Mutant Ratfiend to turn inwards, pincering my lines.

The Tunnel Runners killed the Rangers in their way and healed up some more damage through Drain Life and Radiance of Life. They turned to face the remaining bulk of my forces.

Shock Troop (1) that had managed to dodge all my arrows (and throwing dogs) last turn charged and killed the remaining Mastiff pack, backing up onto the tokens for good measure.

The Nightmares holding the two tokens slipped past the Ironclad horde, taking themselves into my half of the board and to safety.

Top of Turn 5

Things were looking very grim and I knew at this stage that I was unlikely to win the game. I decided therefore to try and score as many points as possible while putting myself in a position where I could win if everything suddenly starting going my way with ridiculous dice rolls.

I turned the Rangers (1) on the hill to look at the Nightmares carrying the tokens and opened up on them with everything I had left. One of the Cannons hit with one of their shots (taking them up to two hits out of twenty shots!), doing 2 damage the Rangers and Diadem each added one more and…

Double 6 -boom! Too little too late, but still nice to see!

The Berserker Lord charged the Tunnel Runners to delay the inevitable.

The Packmaster had another go at shooting off the token carrying Shock Troops (1) but despite doing a couple of points of damage, he failed to waver or break them. The Standard Bearer charged the Hawpacks on 15 damage. He managed to hit them… but failed to damage.

It was pretty much all over by this point.

Bottom of Turn 5

Look at all those routed units…

The Hawpacks nimbled around into the rear of my Rangers (1), taking them out and reforming to face the rear of the Ironclad. The Berserker and both Cannons were picked up on the right hand side.

Top of Turn 6

I knew I had pretty much no chance now, but never one to give up entirely I went for the only plan I could.

The plan was; move the Ironclad horde so that it was facing left and across the half way line. Use the Packmaster to finally finish off the Hawpacks and pray that the little shooting I had left could waver the Tunnel Runners. Then if the Standard Bearer could break the Shock Troops (I did say it was an unlikely plan) I could potentially charge and grab the left tokens on turn 7.

It was a very last ditch plan, but I do think its always worth doing something, even if its very unlikely to succeed.

In reality, the Diadem did amazingly and managed to waver the Tunnel Runners and the Packmaster killed the Hawpacks (finally!).

It wasn’t a good situation, but it was probably the best I could have reasonably asked for.

Bottom of Turn 6

The Night Terror rushed to the middle of the board to grab the two tokens that were out in the open and the Shock Troops (1) that had survived so much shooting casually walked across the half way line in front of the Ironclad horde.

If there was a turn 7, I now couldn’t even pull it back to a draw. But mercifully the game ended at turn 6.

Free Dwarfs 1 – 8 Ratkin

So What Went Wrong?

I got a fairly sound thrashing there, so I thought it’d be helpful to break it down into what went wrong. I’ve boiled it down to three parts;

  • Si played very well
  • I played very badly in parts
  • My shooting failed to even the odds in the centre of the board

Si played an excellent game, especially in the movement phase. He managed to pull off a couple of moves and charges that were millimetre precise – full credit it to him for this. I thought that he was being over cautious at first and perhaps he was, but I made the mistake of not letting him make a mistake… if that makes any sense? He was playing very cautiously but I pushed my Brocks up and forced him to engage – I should have held back and shot until I had absolutely no other option.

I made a couple of silly mistakes, but the biggest one was my use of the Brock Riders. In my mind, Brock Riders are still tanky units that can absorb a lot of damage and then do a mountain of damage back.

I need to keep reminding myself that THIS IS NOT TRUE.

Now their nerve has reduced to -/18, their Def4 means that they’re actually one of the softer cavalry options in the game. Equally 26 attacks on 4s is roughly equivalent to 18 attacks on 3s (very roughly, don’t yell at me!), which is good but not great, especially with only TC1.

In my next game I’m going to use my Brocks as more of a close support unit, rather than think they can hold a flank on their own.

With the exception of the single Double 6 at the end of the game, my shooting really let me down this game – especially in the middle of the board. The cannons hit 2/20 shots and those Shock Troop regiments just refused to die! I did a good amount of damage early on, but this didn’t translate to any routed units all game. In future I need to remember to focus all my fire on one unit until it is definitely dead and then (and only then) move on to a new target.

The day after this, I played another game using the Free Dwarfs this time at 2300 points. Look out for that report coming in the next few days to see if I learnt anything from this game.

Rise of the Underdogs: Ratkin Slaves

This is Part 3 of the Rise of the Underdogs series of articles where I ask the members of the Northern Kings to have a go at writing a list for one of the armies currently in the bottom four of a Call to Arms.

You can find Part 1 where I take a look at Free Dwarfs here,
and Part 2, where Tom Robinson takes a look at the League of Rhordia here.

This time it is 2017 Clash of Kings winner, author of the very first Clash of Kings book and all round Kings of War aficionado Nick Williams.

Nick was ‘volunteered’ to give his take on how he would turn around the fortunes of Ratkin Slaves. Take it away Nick…

Ratkin Slaves

Write a Ratkin Slaves army list, he said! It’ll be fun, he said!

Well, he was right.

I don’t understand why people are so down on Ratkin Slaves. I think they bring some great stuff to the game. It’s true that they are very light on unit entries (I think they’ve got the shortest army list in the game) and a lot of the units in that list are decidedly meh, but they have got some great tools and combinations that you can’t get in other lists.

Now there’s already The Ratkin Slaves List that’s floating around the community. This relies on Decimators hiding behind hordes of Wretches with The Last Breath to do the heavy lifting. The opponent has to chew through horde nerve, takes damage when the horde dies and then gets shot up by the decimators as soon as the horde dies. If cavalry or other height 3+ units attack the Wretch hordes then they’re taking Decimator damage the whole time.

It’s a decent list archetype, and one that a lot of armies would struggle with. Dash28 did a Live Battle commentary with Jeremy Duvall using this list. I’m not going to go into spoilers, but I think that Jeremy played the list very well and with a few smarter decisions earlier on could have done even better with it in that game. I highly recommend watching the video – it’s a really entertaining battle report with three really good players giving commentary over the top, plus Elliot Morrish.

Elliot asked me come up with a Ratkin Slaves list that I think will work and be competitive and there you go. Use Jeremy Duvall’s list!


Oh you want more?

I suppose I should try and come up with my own build… I guess.

It would be easy to take the list archetype and come up with a minor spin on it. I do think it would work well and I could see top players tearing up with it. However, I wanted to see if I could put together another list with Ratkin Slaves. Something that didn’t rely on Decimators and was a bit more balanced.

Here it is at 2000 points:

  • 130 – Slave Wretches Horde with The Last Breath
  • 205 – Blacksouls Horde with two handed weapons and throwing mastiff
  • 230 – Slave Nightmares Horde
  • 85 – Katsuchan Rocket Launcher
  • 85 – Katsuchan Rocket Launcher
  • 245 – Slave Tunnel Runners Regiment with Brew of Sharpness
  • 225 – Slave Tunnel Runners Regiment with Sir Jesse’s Boots of Striding
  • 230 – Slave Tunnel Runners Regiment with Maccwar’s Potion of the Caterpillar
  • 60 – Slavedriver with War-Bow of Kaba
  • 160 – Abyssal Halfbreed Champion with Mournful Blade
  • 145 – Abyssal Halfbreed Champion
  • 200 – Golekh Skinflayer

For 2300 points, the upgrade is simple:

  • 300 – Overmaster on Ancient Winged Halfbreed

This army consists of four battlegroups;

  • The Anvil with the two infantry hordes, the Slave Nightmares Horde and the Slavedriver
  • The Hammer with the Slave Tunnel Runners, Golekh Skinflayer and the Overmaster in 2300
  • The Guided Missiles with the two Halfbreed Champions
  • The Unguided Missiles with the two Katsuchan Rocket Launchers

The Anvil

The Anvil is far from invulnerable, but with decent nerve it still needs a strong concentration of enemy force to see off. It has a great shooting volley for clearing screens between the Nightmares and the Throwing Mastiffs, and then it has moderate hitting power in the grind afterwards.

As usual, the Slave Wretches are a trash block of nerve who are there to get in your opponent’s way. They inflict damage when they die, and your opponent is then sat there in front of your Blacksouls and Nightmares – a total of 43 Me4 CS1 attacks with Vicious. Against De5 that’s an 85% chance of dealing at least 10 damage with an average of 12.5. That’s quite consistently wavering or killing a large infantry horde in one shot.

It’s not the greatest damage output in the world, but it’s a big block of nerve that your opponent has to deal with. It’s a big block of nerve that sits on objectives and says “Come at me, dickweed!”

The Slavedriver has Rally(1) which affects slaves, taking the Nightmares to 15/17 and Wretches to 19/22. With Inspiring this keeps units in the game for a long time.

This would be an ideal place for a Lute of Insatiable Darkness, but I just didn’t have the points. I’m not sure where I’d shave them from. Maybe from the artefacts on the tunnel runners, but I think those are all pretty much essential. The War-bow is a nice so-so item whose main use is sniping a damaged unit late game and forcing a nerve test.

The Hammer

I really like Tunnel Runners (on paper, I’ve not used them yet). They’re a great cavalry type unit. They’ve got CS1 TC1, which I always love on cavalry and are sitting at 24 attacks with me4, offering more hits on average than a standard cavalry unit that hits on 3’s. Hindered or Phalanx charges hurt their hits a lot but this only takes them down to what a normal cavalry unit would get hindered anyway.

They have the same defensive stats as a regular cavalry unit, so at 210 points for more offensive stats I kinda feel they’re perhaps a little undercosted (slightly, not by much).

The Brew of Sharpness turns then into an incredible unit. 24 attacks hitting on 3’s with CS1 and TC1? Yes please! Sadly, you can only take one (boo, hiss) or this would be downright broken.

Golekh Skinflayer is the secret that makes these guys sing though. He has Rally(2). That takes the Tunnel Runners to an extremely impressive 16/18 nerve. He also has Dread for additional bonuses. While his own melee attacks aren’t all that great, buffing and Inspiring the Tunnel Runners while also having solid road-blocking potential really takes this battlegroup into true paintrain territory.

In general, I think Golekh is a bit overcosted, but he’s absolutely perfect for this list. I wouldn’t personally consider him in any other list that I’ve seen or been able to come up with.

This battlegroup’s only downside is a lack of chaff, which isn’t available in the list at all. Allies could potentially help here but with three fairly high nerve heavy hitter units you can afford to bait the enemy out with a sacrificial Tunnel Runner regiment. The grind will likely go in your favour, even if it means losing one of the Tunnel Runners early on. Your opponent will have to over-commit to taking the sacrifice out given the high nerve, giving you the jump on their own heavy hitters.

At 2300 this problem is largely fixed with the Overmaster giving extreme threat projection. He doesn’t have to stay with the Tunnel Runners the entire game; the best thing for him mid-late game is to start ping-ponging around the board picking up flanks and rears the whole way. Teaming up with the Guided Missiles below can pick up most enemy units fairly easily, even if he’s forced into the front. With his high nerve and Regeneration, the Overmaster is one of my favourite dragons in the game.

The Guided Missiles

Halfbreed Champs are fantastic.

They’re extremely reliable at dealing 3-4 points of damage to most enemy units. Two of them are a nightmare to keep track of.

This battlegroup is really quite flexible. If you need some war engines hunting down, these are your guys. If your opponent has a spellcaster, here’s the counter. If your opponent has a dragon, these guys are going to be chasing it around and grounding it, giving you the charge on it. They’re extremely good support for either battlegroup if there aren’t any suitable solo targets – that 3-4 points of damage (plus Golekh’s Dread if in range) very much tips things over the top.

The Unguided Missiles

Artillery is good in third edition. Katsuchan Rocket Launchers are available. Go for it.

Two of them are enough to put decent damage on your enemies over the game. They’re not game-winning, they’re not going to clear entire hordes and your opponent probably has an answer for them.

In the early game they can either start to put chip damage on key enemy units, softening them up for your Guided Missiles to take out and they can quickly clear chaff, giving you an advantage with The Hammer. At 3 shots rather than the usual 2 for artillery they are really quite reliable.

You’re only going to completely miss with both around 9% of the time. You should get at least one hit and reliably get at least two hits which is enough to start doing some good chunks of damage that won’t get reversed with Iron Resolve or Regeneration.

At 2300 your opponent will almost certainly have a combat individual to take them out, but it’ll still take a few turns to do that. Make sure to space the Rocket Launchers at least 21” apart so that your opponent can’t kill one and them immediately charge the other the next turn. This should mean that even if your opponent has a flying individual for taking out war engines and can charge turn 2, you should get at least 4-6 volleys off before it kills them both.

You can threaten charge zones with your Guided Missiles to increase the number of turns before your opponent’s individual gets to them.

Note though that at De5 it’s far from guaranteed that a combat individual will kill them. Even an Abyssal Champion will need a 7 on the nerve roll to kill it if it rolls perfectly average damage dice (people are far too quick to jump to “just double 1 it”, but that’s another rant for another day).

These guys aren’t the lynchpin of the gameplan, but they’re there for taking out chaff early game, dealing chip damage therefore tipping combats in your favour in the late game.

The Overall Game Plan

The Anvil goes up the centre. They threaten the middle of the board, temping enemies to get bogged down, and capture objectives.

The Hammers go on one of the flanks. With the strider, pathfinder and sharpness artefacts they can afford to go on a terrain heavy flank. If the opposing force has a cavalry wing facing The Hammers then they can afford to bait a charge by placing a Rallied Tunnel Runner Regiment to take a charge, preferably hindered. The Hammers must get into combat quickly though. They are the main damage dealers in the army and must start attacking the enemy as soon as possible.

In 2300 the Overmaster starts out supporting The Hammers but can go off and start taking out enemy units in the mid-late game on his own. Depending on the enemy force though (if they are slow and have little flyer defence), he could be deployed on the opposite flank on his own and jump over enemy lines.

The Unguided Missiles sit at the back chipping damage and taking out chaff. They deal out a few points of damage here and there but they’re unlikely to take out anything significant by themselves. Big enemy units like Dragons are prime targets – start to get close to 10 damage (doable in a couple of turns) and the Guided Missiles can take those dragons out. Don’t expect the Unguided Missiles to do your heavy lifting and win the game, or even survive it for that matter.

The Guided Missiles bounce around the battlefield adding 3-4 damage to combats and hunting enemy heroes and war engines. They are extremely flexible and are there to shore up combats wherever you need assistance. They can even be used as chaff themselves if needs be by charging enemy units in the front and disordering them, but this should only be done to save a scoring unit that will claim an objective or to stop an enemy unit moving onto an objective.


I really like this list and it is tempting to add it to the ever-growing backlog of hobby projects. I think it’s got real potential.

This was pretty much confirmed to me when I showed Elliot the 2000 point list and he thought it was a really solid 2300 list.

In a matchup against The Other Ratkin Slaves List, I’d definitely put money on the version I’ve cooked up. I’d have the drop on it and the Halfbreeds would be able to disorder the Decimator Hordes long enough for my Tunnel Runners and other combat units to chew through the opposing Wretches and alpha strike the Decimators.

Looking at it with my other 2300 lists I don’t think I can come up with an ideal way of taking this army out. The only real weakness is a lack of chaff but I’d struggle to take advantage of that with the Rocket Launcher’s taking mine out and the potential for a sacrificial Tunnel Runner regiment forcing me to engage unfavourably. The Tunnel Runners do need to stick together to benefit from Golekh’s Rally, so going for a pincer deployment with fast units on both flanks might work, but then again the Overmaster could deploy for a pincer as well and nullify that, or the Guided Missiles could deploy on that side endlessly messing with me.

So, how about that for your Ratkin Slaves list Elliot?

A huge thank you to Nick for his take on Ratkin Slaves. I think this might have to be another Nick Williams list idea that I ‘borrow’…

You can find Part 1 where I take a look at Free Dwarfs here,
and Part 2 where Tom Robinson takes a look at the League of Rhordia here.

In Part 4, Adam Padley is going to give his take on the Kingdoms of Men. And I think he has something a bit different in mind for them…